Bridge Page

What is a Bridge Page?

Bridge Page, also known as a gateway page or doorway page, is a web page that serves as a transition point between a marketing message and the actual content or offer the user is seeking. These pages are often used in online marketing campaigns to pre-qualify visitors or to provide specific instructions or information before directing them to the main content. However, the use of bridge pages can sometimes be controversial, especially when they offer little value to the user and are designed primarily to manipulate search engine rankings.

Purpose and Use of Bridge Pages

Bridge pages are employed for various purposes, including:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: To provide a landing page for affiliate links where additional information or persuasive content is presented before redirecting to the affiliate product page.
  2. Lead Generation: To collect user information, such as email addresses, before granting access to the main content or offer.
  3. Ad Campaigns: To tailor the message or offer based on the source of traffic or the specifics of an advertising campaign.

Types of Bridge Pages

  1. Informational Bridge Pages: Designed to offer additional context or details that enhance the user’s understanding or interest in the product or service.
  2. Pre-qualification Pages: Used to ensure that the traffic being directed to the final offer is more likely to convert, often by providing a series of questions or a brief survey.
  3. SEO-Driven Pages: Created with the primary aim of ranking for specific keywords to capture organic search traffic, which is then redirected to the main content. However, this practice is generally frowned upon by search engines and can result in penalties.

Examples of Bridge Pages

  • An e-book download page that collects user emails before providing the download link.
  • A product comparison page that offers insights on various products before guiding users to the purchase page of one of them.
  • A custom landing page for a social media ad campaign that provides a special offer or message tailored to the audience of that platform before redirecting to the main site.

Best Practices for Using Bridge Pages

  1. Provide Value: Ensure that the bridge page offers useful information or a clear benefit to the visitor, rather than serving merely as an obstacle.
  2. Be Transparent: Clearly inform users that they will be redirected and provide a seamless, logical transition to the main content or offer.
  3. Follow SEO Guidelines: Avoid deceptive practices, such as cloaking or misleading redirects, that can lead to search engine penalties.
  4. Optimize for User Experience: Design bridge pages with the user in mind, ensuring fast load times, mobile optimization, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs).


While bridge pages can be a valuable tool in guiding users through a marketing funnel or providing additional context, their use must be carefully considered to avoid negative impacts on user experience and search engine rankings. By focusing on adding value and maintaining transparency, marketers can effectively use bridge pages to enhance their online campaigns.

Nedim Mehic

Nedim is a senior technical SEO specialist, and the co-founder of Beki AI. On the Beki AI blog, we share new and innovative strategies to SEO and content marketing.

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